How to Enrol



Below are some important resources to help guide you through your learning journey with us:

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Before you apply, students will require a USI.
The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a national student number that allows individuals to see their training records and results from all providers, including all completed training units and qualifications in a single space.
Each account is linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection. This means you will be able to locate, collate and authenticate your VET achievements into one transcript.
You can read more about a USI here.

Unique Student Identifier Forms

Over 30 Years in Western Sydney

Enrolling Online

Choose a category from the Courses or Search a keyword or Course ID. When you have found your desired course, click Enrol Now or Add to List to select several courses. Then you are prompted to Add a Student by entering your name and email address. If we have your details you can then proceed to payment. If this is the first time you’ve enrolled with Parramatta College we’ll need a few more details before you can proceed to the payment page.

Please note that The Parramatta College will only process Australian dollars in online credit card transactions. However, we welcome enrolments in online and distance courses from outside Australia.

Refund Policy

By Mail

Mail your application form with, cheque, money order or credit card details to The Parramatta College, Reply Paid 2261, North Parramatta 1750.

By Telephone

Call us 9.00am-4.30pm weekdays with your MASTERCARD or VISA details.
Phone (02) 9687 2072

By Email

Email the college with the information requested on the application form and your credit card details.

Visit our office

Suite 1, Level 1, 410 Church Street (Enter via Ross St), North Parramatta between 9.00am and 4.30pm any weekday with cheque/money order/credit card or EFTPOS card. EFTPOS is only available at the Office or enrolment sessions.


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