Keyboard typing speed tests are available during office hours at Suite 1, Level 1, 410 Church Street, Ross Street entrance, North Parramatta. Building entrance is via Ross St. Please call our office on 9687 2072 for an appointment. Fee is $85. No Discounts.
The test will start with a warm up session where you may choose to practise typing a word processing document for 5 minutes. As this is a warm up session, the score won’t be counted towards your certificate. The test will be for a duration of 5 minutes, where you will type a word processing document provided by the examiner. The subject of the tests may be of a business or social nature. For the purpose of this typing test, we use Microsoft Word and the test is done on a Windows based computer. There is no option to use your own computer or keyboard.
Please note that each enrollment allows you to sit for the test only once. After the warm up session, you will have two attempts. If you fail in your first attempt, you will have a second chance preferably within 5 minutes. If you are unsuccessful in this second attempt, you will need to re-enrol by paying the fee and book another appointment. We always advise candidates to prepare by practising your typing skills before attending the test.
You will need to attain 98% accuracy with at least 25 words per minute under test conditions in line with the standards as set out in BSBITU307 Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy under BSB Training Package.
A speed and accuracy statement will be issued to individuals assessed as competent.