BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)

Qualification Description.

Designed for those who wish to work in office administrative role, this course covers all aspects of office administration from customer service to accounts payable and receivable. 6 core and 7 elective units to be completed. This course is a perfect starting point if you are looking for a career change. RPL available.
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration) will be awarded on successful completion of all units.

Computer usage is provided in the classroom for reference to internet sites and templates. To gain the full qualification you will need to satisfactorily complete all the units listed below including all required assessments and other evidence requirements. Where a learner does not satisfactorily complete the full qualification, a Statement of Attainment will be issued for those units that have been satisfactorily completed.

This qualification will be delivered in a classroom environment by a qualified industry skilled trainer at Western Sydney Skills Hub at North Parramatta. Address – 410 Church St, Level 3, Suite 34, North Parramatta, NSW 2151. Please note that classes may not be available when you are reading this course description but the college still encourages the potential candidates to register their interest by joining the waiting list (available at the bottom of this page).

NSW Govt Funding

NSW Government subsidy may be available for eligible participants when enrolling into the full qualification. Please call 02 96872072 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to assess your eligibility for subsidised fee.

Please do not enrol online if you find yourself eligible for NSW Govt subsidy. Just send us the completed enrolment form (, a copy of your Centrelink Statement if you receive Commonwealth Welfare benefit and a copy of your photo ID. We will then let you know how much subsidy you are entitled to.

Selection of units of competency
BSBCRT311 Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment
BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace
BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices
BSBWHS311 Assist with maintaining workplace safety
BSBXCM301 Engage in workplace communication
Delivery strategies.

This course is focused on developing skills in office administration and will allow students to gain real experience in the classroom, practice in small groups and undertake assessments based on current industry practices. Delivered over 1 day per week for 30 weeks classroom delivery with an additional to 20 hours per week of home study. Expected durations of completion is 8 months.

In class delivery includes:

  • Classroom delivery by experienced and industry skilled trainer
  • Simulated in class experience
  • Activities performed in the class
  • Role play as required in a given unit of competency
  • Audio/Video presentation to introduce learners with real life scenarios
Assessment strategies

Assessments for this qualification include both formative and summative assessments in the form of:

  • Direct observation in a simulated work environment by a Trainer/ Assessor of this course
  • Portfolio of evidence assessed by a Trainer/ Assessor of this course. This portfolio would also include workbooks completed at the students' own time
  • Critical Reflections of work undertaken in demonstrating skills
  • Role plays and workplace simulation exercises where demonstration of skills cannot be achieved within the workplace
  • Presentation of information in the workplace or in a simulated work environment
  • Written reports
  • Knowledge based exercises which demonstrate key knowledge across subjects in the form of quizzes or short answer questions
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

If you believe you have relevant skills and experience satisfying the competency requirement of this qualification, please address this with the Course Co-Ordinator prior to enrolment.

Course Fee $5,900

Final outcome

NSW Government subsidy may be available for eligible participants when enrolling into the full qualification. Please call 02 96872072 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to assess your eligibility for subsidised fee.

Upon successful completion of all the required units of competency, you will be awarded with BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration).

Have more questions to ask?
Please feel free to contact our office on 02 9687 2072 to discuss more about the course or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Use inclusive work practices (BSBTWK301)
  • Maintain financial records (BSBFIN302)
  • Assist with maintaining workplace safety (BSBWHS311)
  • Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment (BSBCRT311)
  • Design and produce spreadsheets (BSBTEC302)
  • Participate in sustainable work practices (BSBSUS211)
  • Support personal wellbeing in the workplace (BSBPEF201)
  • Organise schedules (BSBOPS303)
  • Engage in workplace communication (BSBXCM301)
  • Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment (BSBTEC202)
  • Process payroll (BSBHRM416)
  • Apply infection prevention and control procedures to own work activities (BSBWHS332X)
  • Deliver and monitor a service to customers (BSBOPS304)
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Nationally Recognised Training
Nationaly Recognised Training
What is a USI?

The Unique Student Identifier or USI is a reference number that creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in Australia, even from different training organisations. You can read more about a USI here.

Recognition of Prior Learning

We understand that you may already have many skills and areas of expertise that you have obtained in different ways and these are recognised through our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

Contact us

Parramatta Community College


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