Parramatta College

Angela Mota


Angela Mota. Tutor of Parramatta College

Joseph Mourtada


Joseph Mourtada. Tutor of Parramatta College

Michaella Mukasa-Clark


Michaella Mukasa-Clark. Tutor of Parramatta College

Linda Mumford


Linda became a qualified trainer/assessor in 1995 and facilitates Business, Training and Assessment and State Training Services workshop programs. Linda will be training and assessing the new Diploma of Vocational Education & Training TAE50111. She holds a current Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and Diploma of Business Management. Linda has worked for a number of registered training organisations and is experienced in traineeships, work for the dole programs and work placement. Other occupations have included office management, finance and human resources.

Aida Music


Aida has her own small cake decorating business. Aida has received a number of accolades for her cake decorating skills including being awarded first place at the Sydney Royal Easter Show’s Open Classes Cake Decorating and Sugar Art Section in 2016.

Aida is patient, as well as passionate about passing her cake decorating skills on to her students.


Madoka Nakai


Madoka is a very experienced teacher having taught Japanese and Japanese culture in Cambodia, Japan and Australia for more than 10 years.

She holds a Master of Education, a Master of Applied Linguistics with Japanese specialization and a Certificate of teaching Japanese as a second language.

As well as her academic background Madoka’s strengths include making her students laugh and the fact that she is very patient. She incorporates interactive activities to engage her students and to encourage them to learn. Additionally Madoka loves to see the cultural exchange and understanding that comes with students learning Japanese.

Indu Narayan


Your tutor Indu Narayan comes highly qualified, she has been practising Ayurvedic medicine in Sydney for the past 20 years, having completed a Bachelor in the System of Ayurvedic Medicine (BSAM) and has a number of other related qualifications. Additionally Indu holds a Graduate Certificate in Education Studies and has taught Ayurveda as part of a Master of Herbal Medicine at Sydney University, as well as having conducted a number of workshops on diet and lifestyle.

Lisa Nash


Lisa has a variety of skills and as a result teaches a number of courses for Parramatta College.

Lisa holds a Master of Education (Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation). Lisa’s background includes working as a librarian and educator. Lisa enjoys exploring emerging technologies and sharing her knowledge and expertise, and as a result has been providing professional learning workshops for teachers and others on a variety of topics, this includes iPads and other smart technology.

Lisa has a blog, and has presented at various conferences on iPads and has published an article in the professional journal “SCAN” entitled “Exploring iPads in Learning”.

As a busy professional Lisa has learned a number of skills over the years on how best to balance her work and home life, therefore Lisa will also be teaching our decluttering course. Having had personal experience of having clutter that is out of control and having seen how clutter can affect her life she has been applying strategies of decluttering to her own life. So she’s been in a similar place to where you are now and can relate, first hand, to how you might be feeling, the challenges you may be experiencing, and how dealing with clutter is not as simple as being ruthless with your decision making. The declutter workshop is about providing you with some strategies, tips, advice and discussion about how clutter could be affecting your life and some practical strategies for dealing with it.

Lisa’s qualifications include a postgraduate degree in Information Studies.

Lisa is finding Twitter an invaluable way to connect and keep up to date in her field, look for her via 'lisanash9'

ChenniChetty Natarajan


ChenniChetty Natarajan. Tutor of Parramatta College

Bradley Newman


Bradley Newman has been teaching the Alexander Technique since 2000. Bradley is a member of Alexander Technique Education Inc., a worldwide society of Alexander Technique teachers.

Bradley has personal experience of how effective the Alexander Technique is, because previously he used to work full time as a professional pianist until developing RSI. The Alexander Technique helped him return to playing piano again, and therefore Bradley is keen to share the knowledge and experience he has acquired through this process.

Bradley is a friendly and patient tutor.