Parramatta College

Matthew Heinecke


Matthew Heinecke. Tutor of Parramatta College

Julanne Hennessy


Julanne Hennessy. Tutor of Parramatta College

Jo Henwood


Jo Henwood has been interpreting history as a Tour Guide and Education Officer in heritage sites around Sydney since 1998. Her qualifications are in cultural heritage, museum studies, librarianship, gifted education and tour guiding. She is an Accredited Tour Guide with the Institute of Australian Tour Guides and Accredited Storyteller with the NSW Storytelling Guild. She is a member of the History Council of NSW and the Royal Australian Historical Society and co founded the Australian Fairy Tale Society. Jo performs stories and delivers talks and workshops wherever people gather to find out more about the world.

Mauricio Hernandez


Mauricio Hernandez. Tutor of Parramatta College

Katie Hirono


Katie Hirono. Tutor of Parramatta College

Sharon Holstein


Sharon Holstein has been crocheting and knitting since childhood. She is currently the secretary for the NSW Knitter’s Guild NSW and often runs classes in both knitting and crocheting. Apart from her crafty skills Sharon has her own cake decorating business.

Sharon is friendly and patient and would love to pass her passion for crafts on to you.

Murray Hook


Your tutor Murray has a background in architectural design, and has also studied at Ryde Collge of TAFE, gaining an ‘Advanced Certificate in Urban Horticulture’ (Hons).

Murray operated a soft landscaping for many years in Sydney. Presently he has a horticultural consultancy business specialising in industrial and domestic landscapes. He has been teaching horticultural courses for about 18 years at The Parramatta College and he has taught also at other community colleges.

  • Murray is the Co-ordinator of ‘Professional Garden Judges Group’ who judge gardens in the Sydney metropolitan area and in country NSW.
  • He is a member of The Beecroft Garden & District Club Inc. and was a former Vice-President of that group.
  • Murray was a Selector of gardens for 'Australia’s Open Garden Scheme' and he was also a committee member of the now defunct NSW Branch.
  • He is a Co-Ordinator and Horticultural Tour Leader
  • He is a member of ‘Australian Garden History Society’ and he served as the Treasurer for the Sydney Branch.
  • Murray was a foundation member of the Lilian Fraser Garden committee in Pennant Hills.

Stephanie Kate Hook


Stephanie Kate Hook. Tutor of Parramatta College



LYNETTE JOY HOPGOOD. Tutor of Parramatta College

Rosalind Horton


All tutors have had sound rowing experience. All have rowed at various levels in sweep oar, sculling and coxing for several years. All have had coaching experience ranging from several years to over a decade. All tutors are committed to the concept of coaching from within the racing shell (as opposed to being in a speed boat alongside a crew of novices.).

A consequence of this style of delivery of the program is students are able to gain confidence quickly.