Parramatta College

Maria Laura Ficorilli


Maria Laura Ficorilli. Tutor of Parramatta College

Steve Fisher


Steve Fisher. Tutor of Parramatta College

Michael Fitzgerald


Michael (Mike) Fitzgerald is a qualified Commercial Artist with a broad range of experience within advertising and direct marketing. Mike has worked as a commercial artist, design studio manager, art director, and print production manager, and currently owns and manages a Mobile Art Tutoring Business in Sydney, as well as conducting his personally designed creative workshops in Community Colleges.

Yolande Fitzgerald


Yolande has a variety of skills:
She is a highly respected Beauty Therapist with more than 25 years teaching experience, and over 35 years experience in the beauty industry. She has successfully completed training in France and keeps her industry knowledge current with regular workshops and product seminars. Yolande has a passion for the beauty and make-up industry and she possesses a unique ability to transfer her vast knowledge in a classroom environment. This has been evident throughout her teaching career with many of her graduates achieving amazing success including: opening thriving businesses and gaining positions in various high-end day spas and cruise liners.

Yolande is also a fluent Italian speaker.

Her teaching experience has included teaching in various RTO’s in the Sydney region and she holds a Diploma Qualification, as well as the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Flamenco Australia


Flamenco Australia. Tutor of Parramatta College

Jim Flaskas


Jim Flaskas. Tutor of Parramatta College

Alexandra Florio


Alexandra Florio. Tutor of Parramatta College

FPG Consulting


FPG Consulting. Tutor of Parramatta College

Michael Fraser


Michael Fraser is Professor of Law and Director of the UTS Communications Law Centre. He was CEO of Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) and a founding director of Australian, foreign and international copyright management organisations. He has influenced change in attitudes, policy and practice internationally regarding copyright and commerce for creators and the content industries, as well as media and communications policy in the public interest.

Michael pioneered new digital content delivery, e-commerce business models and value adding virtual supply chains for content and rights. He is a frequent contributor to government policy formulation and a highly sought-after national and international speaker.

Raymond Freeman


Raymond Freeman. Tutor of Parramatta College