Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40122

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40122

The teaching qualifications you need to teach at TAFE, Community Colleges and other Vocational type colleges

About TAE40122

This qualification reflects the roles of entry-level vocational education and training (VET) teachers, trainers and assessors who are delivering training services to vocational learners and assessment services to candidates.

The roles may be undertaken by those working in registered training organisations (RTOs), enterprises, community organisations, schools and other VET provision contexts.

The volume of learning of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is typically six months to two years.

Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations

This qualification meets the minimum education requirement for trainers and assessors operating without supervision under applicable VET legislation, frameworks and/or standards. The qualification is a successor to TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Entry Requirements

Those entering this qualification must be able to demonstrate vocational competence in their proposed training and assessing area. Vocational competence is defined as broad industry knowledge and experience, and may include, but is not limited to, holding a relevant unit of competency or qualification.

Parramatta Community College delivers the TAE40122 in four clusters, covering the following 12 units. You will need to satisfactorily complete all the units listed below including all required assessments related to the units. Where a learner does not satisfactorily complete the full qualification, a statement of attainment will be issued for those units that have been fully completed to a satisfactory level.

Cluster 1:  Designing Learning (DES) 4 weeks.

TAELLN423    Integrate employability skills support into training and assessment
TAEDES411     Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training need
TAEDES412    Design and develop plans for vocational training

Cluster 2:  Delivering Training (DEL) 5 weeks.

TAEDEL411    Facilitate vocational training
TAEDEL405   Plan, organise and facilitate online learning
BSBCMM411  Make presentations             

Cluster 3: Workplace Assessment (ASS) 5 weeks.

TAEASS404    Assess competence in an online environment
TAEASS412     Assess competence
TAEASS413     Participate in assessment validation

Cluster 4: Workplace Assessment (COM) 6 weeks.

TAEASS512     Design and develop assessment tools
TAEPDD401    Work effectively in the VET sector
BSBAUD412    Work within compliance frameworks

For more information about the above units, please visit www.training.gov.au.

Delivery strategies

This course is focused on developing skills in delivering training and will allow students to gain real experience in the classroom, practice in small groups of up to 12 students, and undertake holistic assessments based on current work practices. It is expected that a full-time study load will involve up to 20 hours a week of study. Deliver strategies include:

  • Delivery in classroom environment or via video conferencing by experienced and industry skilled trainer
  • Simulated experience on a weekly basis
  • self-paced trainer led activities to reinforce, extend and reflect on what has been learnt in class

Assessment strategies

A range of assessment methods are used to collect evidence from learners. These methods include:

  • Portfolio of evidence assessed by a Trainer/ Assessor of this course. This portfolio would include indirect evidence such as logbooks, workbooks completed at the students' own time, and other evidence such as learner-produced
  • Third-party reports from supervisors or other professional workers at an RTO as required;
  • Critical Reflections of work undertaken in demonstrating skills;
  • Role plays and workplace simulation exercises where demonstration of skills cannot be achieved within the workplace;
  • Presentation of information in the workplace or in a simulated work environment;
  • Written reports; and
  • Knowledge based exercises which demonstrate key knowledge across subjects in the form of quizzes or short answer exercises.

Please note assessments involve significant work both during and after the sessions. You will have maximum of two attempts to submit your assessments. If you are considered Not Yet Competent after the second submission with significant gaps prevailing in your submissions, you may be asked to re-enroll into the course.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Parramatta College recognises that some learners may have already delivered training as part of their job or as a trainer. If you believe you can provide sufficient evidence (according to the rules of evidence – see Standard 1.8 - 1.12 under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015) of your current experience and/or relevant qualifications that match the competency requirements of any of the units in this course, please consult with the Education Manager prior to enrolling to apply for recognition. The RPL application will be reviewed by a qualified trainer/assessor. Please note that applying for RPL may not automatically result in issuing of the qualification or statement of attainment. No refund will be made in case of a partial qualification or if no certificate can be issued because of the RPL assessment.

People who have completed the full qualification may be able to work as a trainer and assessor in a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), or at a workplace.

Need more information?

Should you require further information, please contact our enrolment officer on 02 96872072 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please note this is general advice. For more information re the relevant standards, please visit https://www.asqa.gov.au/standards.

Contact us

Parramatta Community College


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